After the Thanksgiving festivities and many large meals later, I begin to reflect on a goal I set a couple of weeks ago. After a long break, I set out to run today on my regular route. I made it, but could definitely tell I had been slack the last week or so. Monday, November 28th, marks the beginning of an exciting journey for me- I will begin training for a marathon in Atlanta, March 2012. My love for running came about in an interesting way. I toyed with it a couple of years ago. I remember the first time I ran- it was with one of my current running buddies- she left me in the a grave yard at that! Oh well! Discouraged, yes...but I did work at it. Not consistently, and what I did do was out of physical need more than me really enjoying it anyway. Earlier this year, I started running consistently. I not only needed it physically, but I desperately need it emotionally, as well. While I run, I listen to songs about my God, I reflect on life and where I am now and thank Him for bringing me out of a horrible pit, I pray, even cry sometimes, I will lift my hands in praise, I enjoy no one talking to me, only God, no one calling for me, no one needing me, and I enjoy the peace and quiet. Funny enough, sometimes I do have to dodge snot rockets! Had to ;-)!
Hebrews 12:1 has become my verse. It says...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. As I think of this verse, my prayer is that I will not let my physical training outweigh my spiritual training. Training for a marathon is time consuming and as a wife and a working is essential I plan accordingly. My husband is my biggest cheerleader and very supportive...I am so thankful he is a Mr. Mom! I can't wait to cross the finish line in Atlanta! I can do this! I liken this journey to the end of my life, I want God to say...well did your best and gave me your all. I want to be God's trophy!
Pray for me!