Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Struggle is Real

In this fast paced world of technology, we have allowed acronyms like LOL, SMH, TBH, replace our face to face conversations.  Don't get me wrong- I am a fan of texting.  It is sometimes the quicker, more convenient way to respond.  However, in a previous post quite a while ago, I was banning smart phones from my life because I found myself getting wrapped up in all of the optional apps...Facebook (FB)being the main one.  After reverting back to a dumb phone, I missed a some important emails from the kids teachers and a few other things and realized it was a lost cause to try to operate in this world without a smart phone because  I couldn't keep up.  FYI or TBH  I now have a smart phone...LOL, SMH;) 

I have been having an inner debate with Facebook or not to Facebook- That is the question.  I have made "MY" mind up to not Facebook and I ran it by my better half of (Jason)Leah Barbee and he looked perplexed- so not sure what will come of it. My thoughts on FB- as there are some positives:

FB is a great way of communicating with groups.......IF all members of the group are actively involved in social media.

FB can easily be used to infiltrate Jesus into a world full of evil

FB is good for participating in Bible study groups and receiving/giving encouragement from/to others. 

FB takes away the personal aspects of communication.  Instead of calling or better yet, going to someone's face and giving them that bit of is posted on a wall for all the world to see. How personal is that?  The opposite can still be true...when one has a problem with someone allows the offended to feverishly peck out the words on a keyboard and blast someone in front of the whole world quite possibly without the offender even  realizing they did anything.  How mature and embarrassing is that?

FB allows people to be wolves in sheep's clothing. Things can be cleverly worded with bad motives.

FB allows people to portray a person that they really aren' then becomes Fakebook.

FB provides a way for the ego to be fed by seeing who and how many people like your comment.

FB consists of people who are either full of drama and post it freely or people who see the drama and spread it - as if it's not out there already.  There are also those that swear off drama but stir it up anyway. 

FB causes me personally more worry and anxiety.  I find myself getting wrapped up in other peoples problems as if me and mine don't have enough of our own. 

FB is my "nothing box"....if you are in our marriage Sunday school class, you probably know what I am talking about.  For you others, men have a nothing box in their mind that they can go and "get in" and think about absolutely nothing.  Women are very complex people as they are constantly thinking of different things at different angles...our wheels are constantly going.  So for me, when I am trying to quieten the craziness around me or even in my mind because I have some loud thoughts....I sit and I Facebook.  This takes me out of my current state of craziness and into a world that isn't mine and I can forget about some things.  I  AM NOT SAYING THIS IS RIGHT!

FB is a complete waste of lots of my time.

If you are an avid FB fan, I am in no way saying you are committing the forbidden. I am simply telling you that the struggle is real for me.  I think I may have it beat though....