Tuesday, June 2, 2015

You Mean Me?

Have you ever wondered what Jesus looks like? What do you think He looks like?
This was the opening question to the message this past Sunday.  My mind went back to pictures in Bible story books and such.  As I drifted in and out of what was being said with mental images of a man with long, brown hair going through my head, I heard the pastor say, “He looks like you…me…us”.  As followers of Jesus, we put off the old self and are transformed to become like Him.  We take on his characteristics and become Jesus to others.  He went on to talk about the holiness of Jesus.  Webster defines holiness as “exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness”.  To be holy is to be different from the world so that others recognize the difference and want what is missing in their lives.  Being a good example to others because we may be the only Jesus they come in contact with.  

The excuse of being a sinner is often overused in many offenses.  In Romans Paul says where there is sin that grace is greater.  Even we as Christians are our own worst enemy and we take advantage of the grace as the basis of the excuse to continue in the same sin.  I fully agree that we are sinners, but where there has been conviction and repentance, “the sin” should become more difficult to embrace and hopefully avoided.  Can we be perfect? Absolutely not…but to use the above excuse to not strive for Christ’s perfection is amiss.  We have to strive to be more holy, more like Jesus.

So if we take on his characteristics, what exactly should others see in us in our day to day lives?  The fruit of the Spirit reveals 9 characteristics we have probably all heard.  I researched some other traits that include:
Forgiving others, even for insignificant things and not being resentful. Ignoring wrongs so relationships can be healed.
Humility- admitting that God is responsible for our achievements.  Not thinking we are “all that”.  There is always someone that is better than us in any given situation, no matter what our title is.  Submission and serving others, not thinking everyone should serve us. 
Honesty & truthfulness- Doing what is right and being straight forward with others. 
Obedience- submitting to do what God requires of us.
Reverence- recognizing and respecting people, not just because of their position but because they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. 
Avoiding Anger- knowing its destructive force and striving to maintain serenity
Being a good example- We have to live out what we believe.  Literally “be” Jesus to others.
Communication- Be willing to share thoughts, feelings, and actions in a kind manner that reflects Christ.  This works in conjunction with being straightforward. One thing is for sure…no situation will get better without communication of the concern.
Being discreet- not bullying people with personality types or actions, or even with sound and right opinions.  Yet being genuinely respectful in what we say and do. 
Being Decisive- sticking to right and just decisions, based on God’s perfect will.  Letting our “yesses” be yes and our “nos” be no and not letting the presence of other people or situations cause us to waiver.
Integrity- this allows us to keep our word and do our best even when no one else is looking.  

Boy have I got some work to do!  I enjoyed reading through the list I found because they were all applicable to interacting with others on a daily basis.  I am guilty of only being aware of the traits when I am at church, in Bible Study and when I am about God’s business.  They seem to go out the door any other time and I feel I can act and treat people however I choose.  This was a good reminder to me.  Thanks for reading! Go be Jesus to someone today!

Friday, March 20, 2015

New Life

Today is the first day of spring. This beautiful season of blooming flowers and such always reminds me of new life.  God’s beautiful creation seems to become vibrant with colors and comes to life this time of year.  Springtime always means Easter is right around the corner.  Unfortunately, the true meaning of Easter seems to always be dampened with bunnies and eggs.  Before you get disgusted and call me a prude, my kids will be hiding and/or hunting eggs along with many others.  It is so much fun for them and us too!  

New life.  So how do you make a life that already exists a new life?  What exactly does that mean?  If a life is made new … there had to be death of the old life.  So, without death, there is no life. 
If we are still here on this earth and get to experience a new life, our old self has to die.  We become a new person.  

Even if we, or a loved one, experiences death then we still experience a new, eternal life in heaven. 

But how?  How is all of this possible? What has to be done? What has to be said? Nothing and nothing.  It is strictly if we believe.  Being a Christian, a Christ follower, is hard for non-believers to understand because it is based on faith.  Nothing that can be seen or touched… simply a belief.  Yet so difficult…faith alone.  

Many years ago, a baby was born in a stable.  This baby was no ordinary baby.  This baby was born of a virgin.  This baby grew up and lived on this earth and experienced life much like we do today….(well sort of, minus the Lady Gaga’s and such).  He performed many miracles and served others. He taught that love was and still is the greatest commandment.   He lived life and never sinned.  He loved the people of this world so much- sinners, you and me, that he gave his life for us.  He died for us.  He experienced a cruel death by being nailed to a cross.  The story doesn’t end there- Praise the Lord!  Three days later, he rose from the grave.  

This is the gospel story…Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection.  This is the death that gives new life.  A life that allows us to travel around each and every day with His Spirit in us guiding us.  His Spirit in us makes us different from the world.  We choose differently because we are Spirit filled. Our lives begin to look different because we become reflections of Him.  Are we perfect? No…we simply have forgiveness and hope when we screw it all up.  Sure, sometimes that Spirit gets squashed and our flesh overtakes us because we are sinners.  But because of a death on a cross, we are forgiven.  We are made new.  We get a do over…  IF we believe. Who in this life doesn’t need another chance?

Do you believe? 

Romans 10:9 
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  

2 Corinthians 5:17 
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

It's a Zoo Out There!

My hubs is a wise man.  Beyond his ability to participate in Jeopardy with the best of them and win at just about every trivia game there is, he has great words of wisdom for me when I need them most.  Here are a few:
Two hurts don't make a right.
Never form an opinion/assumption/judgment until you have heard from all parties involved. (He is still a cop at heart I guess)
Your own business keeps you busy enough so stay out of everyone elses. 
Do your job, do it well, and don't worry about what others are or are not doing.
...And my recent all time favorite is never be a sheep or a wolf. 

Let me explain because I know if you are familiar with the parable in God's word, you would prefer to be a sheep rather a goat.  Actually, I will give credit where credit is due- He actually learned this profound statement from Chris Kyle's father (American Sniper). Actually I believe Chris' father learned it from a veteran named Grossman.  The moral of the story goes like this.  There are three kinds of people in this world: "wolves, sheep, and sheepdogs."  Grossman's metaphor was to issue a call to action to defend yourself against your enemies.  "If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen: a sheep.  If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath- a wolf.  But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for you fellow citizens?  Then you are a sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the hero's path."  Hence the advice..."Never be a sheep or a wolf!"

This profound military statement reminded me of Matthew10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves:  be therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Dove- harmlessness and innocence
Serpent-wisdom and cunning

The take home message is that the Lord wants us to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.  That is, we adapt the cunning of the serpent, but not to the extent that we trick, deceive, harm, injure, and we adapt the gentleness and innocence of the dove but not to the extent that we cannot teach, rebuke, or stand for the truth.  To be wise but not harmful, and to be gentle but not weak.  This is a perfect harmony of wisdom and gentleness because they both somewhat limit each other.  This is actually the wisdom and gentleness that Christ lived. 

It truly is a zoo out there! Sheep, wolves, sheepdogs, serpents, dove...What will you choose?

I will leave you with a few verses.

Gal 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance...

Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Sleepless in Milli

As I toss and turn on another sleepless night wondering why I keep waking up at 3-4am every morning, I decide to put my racing thoughts into words. Why is it that my thoughts seem so clear when I can't sleep? Maybe it's the silence? No chaos. No confusion. No loud chatter. No negativity. No self seeking motives. No twisting or bending of facts. No distractions. Only me and God. He whispers, " I am not the author of confusion." So the people and situations that I still can't wrap my mind around become clearer and the sinking, unresolved feeling fades.

 Sometimes people never take responsibility, no matter what. For some reason they don't understand how it looks when they say one thing and do another. Some are good at sweeping things under the rug while others are lingering trying to figure out where things went wrong... Lost in the bends and twists. Some people assume others are stuck in their self destructing past and continue to remind them of it by labeling them as having serious problems.

God never makes me feel my friendship with Him is more of a burden than a benefit. He is faithful and doesn't find me difficult. He is my Rock. He loves me more than I can put into words! He provides reassurance and peace. It is Him I should go to.... Always! I'm not sure how many times He will put me in situations that when down the road I look back and ask, " why do I put so much faith and hope in fellow man?" As humans, we, I, am rotten to the core. I wonder why or how He could even love us? He sent His only Son to die for us flesh seeking humans!

Love so undeniable I can hardly think!
Peace so unexplainable I can hardly speak!
Your a good, good father-that's who you are
and I'm loved by You-that's who I am!

As my mind eases and eyes become heavy, I am content in His love!

Love you, friend!
Thanks for keeping me company on another sleepless night.