Thursday, December 29, 2011

Meet Holly

I have never been a lover of big dogs but small dogs have a way of luring me in.  Well, Santa left this sweet pooch under our tree for us all to enjoy.  It has been interesting say the least.  It seems as if I was am the only one really concerned  stressed out about her peeing or pooping in the house.  We are crate-traing her and she is doing awesome!  Only 3 accidents so far.  Yikes! But that has been since we got she has done extrememly well the past couple of days.  We got lots of laughs after the pee pee accidents when Jordan immediately said yelled tears...mama, you're gonna sell her aren't you...we have only had her 2 days!? My goodness, I never realized I came across as such a tyrant!  We all have fully recovered and are thouroughly enjoying Holly!

These things Holly has learned since joining us:

This family has lots of kids that help her get TONS of exercise.

This is one busy household.

When she sees Britton coming ..she probably says..."oh no...not again ...and expects a running match but loads of fun!"

When she sees Jordan (liitle mama) coming she can expect lots of loving and snuggling.

That when her mama (me) isn't one is happy- so she best be on her best behavior:)

When she sees daddy (Jason) she knows she can melt his heart...he even decked her out in a pink color and leash...I just knew she would be bulldog'd out.

And last but definitely not least...her cow hoof is the best thing since sliced bread.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Memories

My memory fails me very frequently, just ask my beloved husband.  But these sweet Christmas memories are sweetly embedded...

Santa used to make one stop at our house to visit Derek, Lindsey and Jamie- as well as Bonnie and I...when the grand kids came- we were chopped liver:)  This was before ALL of the other grand kids came to be.  When I think back...I am not sure where Mama put us- as everyone stayed at our house on Christmas Eve. I remember our living room looked like a bomb had gone off on Christmas morning.  Fun times!

The Christmas Bonnie and I got our 3 wheeler (unheard of now).  Mama and Daddy had told us no way, no how, would we get one (no matter how much we begged).  Santa brought Derek a battery powered 3 wheeler this year and he had already opened his.  Our helmets were wrapped and when we opened them I  thought they were for us to enjoy his battery powered 3 wheeler.  I know... right!?...keep in mind I was lots younger.  You can imagine the excitement when we discover there was a "real" 3 wheeler under the carport.

Alternating between Aunt Faye's house one year then our house the next and laughing at them when they couldn't remember whose year it was to host. 

Mama cooking constantly during the holidays!  I loved growing up in a house that was always the place for entertainment.  My mom was a great cook, host,  and entertainer!

Helping Mama decorate the house for Christmas with Alabama's "Christmas in Dixie" playing in the background. 

I think of Mama often but especially during the holidays!  I miss her beautiful smile and contagious laugh!  Merry Christmas Mama, my favorite Christmas memory!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


What is it that consumes you?  Unfortunately, I have tons of things that I allow to consume me.  As I sit here and listen to Hillsong's "Consume Me From the Inside Out" I let this be my prayer for today.  I am aware that what people see on the outside is sometimes far removed from what is in my heart. I like to call it my "Sunday going to church face".   Why do I try to live this facade? I am very aware that my Creator knows my heart so I am not quite sure who I think I am fooling.  If we were all honest with ourselves we could all probably relate to one of my  recent Pinterest findings.  The quote goes something like this..."I may look calm but in my mind I have killed you 3 times." Don't get any weird ideas...I would never kill anyone...on purpose. However, I did think it was comical.

 Hopefully I have made you chuckle rather than question my sanity.  Welcome to my crazy world!

God, I know you are real. You have proved that to me in Your word and in my own life. I pray that today I would be consumed with thoughts of You. Let people hear and see a reflection of You in my words and actions. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

This is What Christmas Really Means

December is a crazy month for me every year! say the least.  Between cantatas, parties,  hyper kids, and planning my sons birthday, the joy of Christmas is usually lost somewhere among the stress and planning.   I have high hopes every year of finishing what little bit of shopping I do early but never succeed.

In Sunday School this morning we watched a video by Loui Giglio about the true meaning of Christmas.  He spoke of how it must have been so chaotic for Mary and Joseph expecting this baby and  nowhere for them to go.  He went on to say that Christ, the babe,  showed up in the middle of all that mayhem!  Christ, my Savior, was born!  It was then, in my brokenness, tears began to fall!  I realized how rotten I am and what a disaster I have made of this special time of year.  In my 36 years on this earth, this year is my first year ever "feeling" the true meaning of Christmas.   I am so glad that in my confusion and chaos all I have to do is merely speak His name, read His word, and my fears and anxieties melt away. I begin to focus on how good God is to me and just how much He loves me- even when I screw things up!  I realize that my inner struggles, that I think are huge, are nothing is comparison to those who have lost loved ones and will be without them this Christmas for the first time, someone who has just recently been diagnosed with cancer, someone will be experiencing Christmas alone this year due to Satan's attack on their marriage!  This really puts things in perspective for me!  So in the middle of my chaos, today, I choose to really celebrate the birth of baby Jesus.  I am so thankful for the birth of my Savior and His death on a cross...because He loves me...even when I am rotten!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sufficient Grace

One of  Jordan's vocabulary words this week is sufficient.  I was calling her words out to her yesterday and she couldn't remember this one.  This provided me an opportunity to tell her of God's amazing grace and his grace being sufficient for everything!  Grace covers it all...everything!  I hope she never forgets this:) I was reminded of one of my favorite Laura Story songs....Grace

My heart is so proud.
My mind is so unfocused.
I see the things you do through me as great things  I have done.

And how You gently break me,
then lovingly you take me and hold me as my father and mold me as my maker.

"How many times will you pick me up,
when I keep on letting you down?
And each time I will fall short of your glory,
how far will forgiveness abound?"

And You answer
"My child I love you.
And as long as you're seeking My face,
You'll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace."

And feel a bit discouraged,
Knowing that someone,
somewhere could do a better job.

For who am I to serve You?
I know I don't deserve You.
And that's the part that burns in my heart and keeps me hanging on.

"How many times will you pick me up,
When I keep on letting you down?
And each time I will fall short of Your glory,
How far will forgiveness abound?"

And You answer
"My child I love you.
And as long as you're seeking My face,
You'll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace."

You are so patient with me, Lord.

I'm learning what Your grace really means.
The price that I could never pay
was paid at Calvary.

So, instead of trying to repay You,
I'm learning to simply obey You
By giving up my life to You.

"How many times will you pick me up,
When I keep on letting You down?
And each time I will far short of Your glory,
How far will forgiveness abound?"

And you answer
"My child, I love you.
And as long as you're seeking my face,
You'll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace."

God, I am thankful for your all sufficient grace!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Run the Race

After the Thanksgiving festivities and many large meals later, I begin to reflect on a goal I set a couple of weeks ago.  After a long break, I set out to run today on my regular route.  I made it, but could definitely tell I had been slack the last week or so.  Monday, November 28th, marks the beginning of an exciting journey for me- I will begin training for a marathon in Atlanta, March 2012.  My love for running came about in an interesting way.  I toyed with it a couple of years ago.  I remember the first time I ran- it was with one of my current running buddies- she left me in the a grave yard at that!  Oh well! Discouraged, yes...but I did work at it.  Not consistently,  and what I did do was out of physical need more than me really enjoying it anyway.  Earlier this year, I started running consistently.  I not only needed it physically, but I desperately need it emotionally, as well.  While I run, I listen to songs about my God, I reflect on life and where I am now and thank Him for bringing me out of a horrible pit, I pray, even cry sometimes, I will lift my hands in praise, I enjoy no one talking to me, only God, no one calling for me, no one needing me, and I enjoy the peace and quiet. Funny enough, sometimes I do have to dodge snot rockets!  Had to ;-)! 

Hebrews 12:1 has become my verse.  It says...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.  As I think of this verse, my prayer is that I will not let my physical training outweigh my spiritual training.  Training for a marathon is time consuming and as a wife and a working is essential I plan accordingly.  My  husband is my biggest cheerleader and very supportive...I am so thankful he is a Mr. Mom!   I can't wait to cross the finish line in Atlanta!  I can do this!  I liken this journey to the end of my life, I want God to say...well did your best and gave me your all.  I want to be God's trophy!

Pray for me!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Spiritual Freedom

"He whom the Son sets free is free indeed"

The journey to spiritual freedom is long and winding but always lands you in the loving arms of Christ!  I am resting in Him today and thankful I have found the peace, contentment, and spiritual freedom that is found nowhere else!  

Monday, October 10, 2011


 Do you have friends that you can go long spans of time without really talking... past the usual surface conversations... and still pick right back up like it was yesterday you were spending every day with them?  I had the priveledge of attending a Nurse Practitioner conference in Denver, Colorado with my good friend Danielle. Danielle moved here from her hometown of Mississippi I guess about 16 or 17 years now.  I remember it so vividly the first time I met her in Maebob's.  I had heard "we" had hired some girl that was new in town.  When I met her I remember thinking...she's beautiful...nice...and how in the world were we blessed with someone so smart?  All that in one package...yep and how could I forget... she has an amazing voice!  Danielle and I became an item...each other's sidekick.  I will admit, we were young and probably didn't make the best decisions about where to spend our leisure time.  We loved to dance and we loved disco the combo called for many late nights/early mornings in Mac won at Liz Reed's Music Hall.  I don't even know if that place still exists.  She has been with me through many milestones.  She and Stefan, Jason's lifelong friend, were with us when we got engaged at Disney World. She was in our wedding.  We both went to nursing school at GCSU but somehow...not at the same time.  We attended graduate nursing school at GCSU together.  This was the best and the worst times of my life.  We spent many long nights together...this time not dancing until sweat was dropping off of us...yet studying disease processes and treatments.  I have even driven to her house in the middle of the night during crisis...was she frustrated with me?...was her husband frustrated with me?...No, in fact, I was greeted with a fresh pot of coffee from her husband, Matthew, and Danielle's sweet prayers. causes me to reflect on how times and interests  have changed and how much we have grown. Now, we are wives, busy working moms...but still share a friendship that will never end.  Instead of chatting over which outfit we will wear to Liz Reed's...we talk through tough life situations.  We were able to spend lots of time together in Denver this past weekend.  We laughed, talked, prayed and did Bible study together.  This is evidence of two lives that have changed.  God has worked in both of our lives and I am so excited about seeing what He is up to next.  If there was a common theme for most of our deep conversations I would say it was dying daily to yourself.  Not looking out for what you want but for what others need.  Giving your all and not expecting anything in return!  This was a special weekend for me and I thank God for allowing me the resources to go and for blessing me with a special friend!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Let your light shine!

I am blessed with a wonderful job that allows me to nurse college students at Georgia College and State University back to health.  It is fun - I get to see just how I acted when I was their age:) Now, being on the more mature side of things, I can have sympathy, laugh and cut up with them, but most importantly make a godly impression on them.   As I got to work this morning I received an email learning of the tragic death (via car accident) of two of our students.  I had the privilege of meeting one of them just yesterday.  He happened to be one of my patients yesterday afternoon.  Yes, he was horribly sick- but I did manage to make him smile before he left.  He was supposed to come back today for follow up but after receiving the email notifying us of his death, I suddenly remembered I would never see him again...or would I? 

We are very busy this time of year, seeing anywhere from 80-90 students a day.  So addressing their medical needs is really all we have time for.  This young child's death has made me aware of what kind of impression I leave with these kids because nobody is promised tomorrow.  I pray he knew God as his Savior and that I will see him heaven.  I vow, today, that no matter if I am on student number 5 or 50...I will give them my undivided attention during the short time I have with them, I will have a Christ like matter what theirs is.  In my 15 or so minutes with them I will be a true reflection of Christ!  These seem like high standards to set for myself...but nothing compared to what God has done for me! I thank God for allowing me to meet this young lad! I praise Him also for making me more aware of His light that needs to always be visible in matter what the situation is... so others can come to know Him through me!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Life and Death

On this day, 10 years ago, marked a very tragic event for our nation. I remember the day very clearly.  I had woken up early to prepare for my nursing clinical at Central State Hospital.  We were on the pediatric unit working with children who were severely physically and mentally handicapped. I was very nervous about how I would handle even being there let alone the capability to help these fragile little ones.  The loud cries of young ones that aren't even able to be interpreted followed by their loud bursts of laughter explained exactly what my emotions were like on this day.  I remember specifically being in the room with a baby who suffered from Shaken Baby Syndrome and thinking how on earth could something so violent ever be done to an innocent child.  I was brought to tears while holding this baby who couldn't even look at me and focus because her eyes wandered to and fro.  The feelings of love for this baby were unexplainable.  I clinched my belly and suddenly was brought back to a hapiness yet nervousness like no other.   The baby growing inside of me...would it be normal? would it have some chronic illness like these babies I am faced with today?, would it look and act like me or her father?  These questions ran rampant through my mind.  I was an emotional wreck yet elated to even be pregnant. We had tried for quite some time (years), even used medicines to help this along, had the tests to rule out any physiological problems and so on.  It was just the day before at my routine physical when I was told the news I was expecting.  I had no clue!  Really!  People are always skeptical when they hear this...even me- until it happened.

It was mid morning at Central State when I was holding this young one when the television in the room caught my attention with breaking news.  I saw where the first plane had hit the World Trade Center...disbelief....then on live footage I witnessed the second plane hit.  I was standing beside a physician who had tuned out his medical sense and was struck with sadness. It wasn't long before it was assumed it was terroristic in nature due to other events unfolding.  It seemed as if time stood still, everyone was glued to the television.  I selfishly remember can today be so sad for me when I was on cloud nine just yesterday?  This was only the beginning of the struggle of this nation.  This tragic event marks the pulling together of a nation that I am so blessed to be a citizen of.

Trials and tragedy in my personal life have brought me closer to my Savior, Jesus Christ.  I pray that this ten year old tragedy will be the painful circumstance allowed by God to change our conduct and character as a nation. 

Life and death can occur so quickly and unexpectedly! My blessing of life inside of me on this day ten years ago helped me emotionally process this catastrophic event!  I look at my 9 year old today and it brings back such a wide range of emotions...  love outweighing them all!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Spaghetti Brain

Ever heard the saying "men are like waffles and women are like spaghetti"?  The explanation behind this is very interesting.  If you look down on a waffle, you see several squares surrounded by walls.  This is used as an analogy to describe the way men think...they can only think of one thing at a time- that is whatever box they are in at that moment.  Women, on the other hand, are likened to a plate of spaghetti noodles!  How appealing, ha?  Our brains think of so many things at once that when we are on one thought process we jump right to the next...and then the next...and then the overlapping intertwining of all of the thoughts becomes the infamous multi-tasking.  The noodle idea comes into play when you try to follow one noodle on a plate of spaghetti, you can't get to the end of that noodle without bumping into several other noodles along the way. As a wife, mom, friend, sister, active member in church, spaghetti brain gets the best of me!  Oh to be a simple-minded waffle brain! 

There have been several events recently that remind me that I am thinking and trying to do too many things at once.  For example, I was searching the kitchen high and low for our jar of peanut butter a few days ago.  It usually stays in our corner lazy-susan cabinet.  The kids were sitting at the bar in the kitchen awaiting their delicious and nutritious fluff-n- nutter sandwiches.  So I begin looking feverishly in the fridge, freezer, all of the cabinets and boom... out of "nowhere" there sits my lonely jar of peanut butter in the cabinet I keep my glass cups.  I see it there, knowing the kids are watching...I debate whether to sneak it out without them knowing I had mindlessly left it there on mistake the last time I used it.  By the way, my daughter, 9 years old, has caught on  well to the fact that I am very forgetful. So I hear snickering and realize I was busted!  I have done things of this nature before but NEVER twice in the same week.  Wednesday night before church, I reheated some taco meat for my son to have a left over soft taco.  I promise I do cook real meals on occasion!  All was fine and good!  We returned from church and got the kids in the bed.  I decided I would indulge in a bedtime bowl of cereal.  I opened the cabinet and located just beside the stack of bowls sits this bag of shredded cheese.  I think to on earth did this happen again?  But luckily, there were no witnesses this time so I was safe. this crazy thing called life, always make time for down time and enjoy your spaghetti and waffles! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Every time I hear the song by Dave Barnes "God Gave me You"...I think of how blessed I am to have my husband as my balance.  He is a free-spirited, corny but funny, kid at heart kind of guy.  He is always trying to make me laugh.  Trying being the operative word-sometimes it works...other times it doesn't go so well.  I am a purpose driven, business like, get it done and get it done quickly kind of person.  My kids would much rather hang out with him...can you understand why?  :)  When I've had a bad day or upset about something, he sends  texts to cheer me up...something to make me laugh-  like this ridiculous pic...the caption  under this one was "Lovin' you". 

"God Gave Me You" lyrics...enjoy

I’ve been a walking heartache
I’ve made a mess of me
The person that I’ve been lately
Ain’t who I wanna be

But you stay here right beside me
Watch as the storm blows through
And I need you

God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
For when I think I’ve lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it’s true
God gave me you

There’s more here than what we're seeing
A divine conspiracy
That you, an angel lovely
Could somehow fall for me
You’ll always be love’s great martyr
Ill be the flattered fool
and I need you

God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
Find More lyrics at
For when I think I’ve lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it’s true
God gave me you

On my own I’m only
Half of what I could be
I can’t do without you
We are stitched together
And what love has tethered
I pray we never undo

God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
For when I think I’ve lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it’s true
God gave me you, gave me you.
Gave me you.

I love my hunk a' burning love!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Give Up

Jason and I have been on a somewhat of a, sorta kinda, on again-off again, when we feel like kick.  We have been fairly consistent with the exercise by running.  We do try to watch our diet...sorta kinda.  Well, I have mentioned before of my love of sweets- they are my ultimate weakness. It is the end of August...which happens to be a very looooooooooong month by the way- our cupboards are bare and screaming for payday to roll around.  So, we decided on this last day of August to eat pancakes for supper.  The kids agreed to it as long as I could scrounge up some chocolate chips to mix in.  Well, I arrive home before my hubby- but he is fully aware of the plans for supper.  I come in and begin helping the kids with their homework.  He finally arrives with this little yellow bag marked with the famous local Dollar General logo.  He bats his beautiful blue eyes, smiles his dimple-filled smile and says...I got a surprise!  He first pulls out  a pack of bacon (I swear he had to have robbed his coin-filled ash tray for) ....and then out comes a convenient 4 pack of Klondike ice cream cookie sandwiches.  4 pack...there are conveniently 4 in our family.  Now how in the world could this girl turn all of that down?  Oh my, all on top of sleeping in this morning and not running! This totally explains our on again off again relationship with this thing called a diet and exercise. 

I give up ;)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Jesus In You

Short and sweet today!  I have become increasingly aware of the reasons God placed certain people in my life. My close friends are people who know my baggage and love me anyway and don't think I am crazy-even when I act like I am.  Some, I even aspire to be like-not be like them specifically, but be like the Jesus I see in them everyday. And if you read this and think...hey! she may be talking about me-well, I probably am:) I so desire to have a true concern and love for people that produces an action...not only a thinking of doing something for them (which I am so guilty of). I do realize how much I have grown in my spiritual maturity, especially over the last few years.  But I also see how much farther I have to go.  I am praying for a boldness like I have never had before.  This boldness will take me higher and allow me to move past my comfort zone.  Right now I am so comfortable- it is pathetic...literally!  I have wonderful visions in my head of me doing lots of things for the kingdom.  I must be in prayer and make sure these are things of God and not of me!  Add me to your prayer list and we'll see what God will do!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Confessions of a Hair Harlot

The only other profession I often think of pursuing is cosmetology.  Maybe when I retire as a nurse, I can have my own "purple hair lady" shop behind my house. Honestly,  I could sit for hours and hours in a hair salon just watching people get their hair cut and styled. I also love to check out all of the styling products and tools in hopes they could all be used on me in one single visit.  If I had money to play with,  I would purchase and try all of them.  But for now, I will stick with my Walmart Pantene products that I purchase only if I have a coupon.  If you have known me for any length of time, you probably know my hair has been various lengths and colors.  I have just about tried everything there is...and I probably am a nightmare to my hairstylist.  I want it long and multi-colored one visit and short and one color the next.  Maybe she loves me enough to look past my flaws;)  Also, hairstylist seem to wear the most trendy clothes and tend to change their hair often.  Wow!  What a life...I truly am envious!  Ooh ooh...and how could I forget the cool bright colored stripes everyone has been getting in their hair lately. How awesome would it be to sit in the chair and order up a thick chunky stripe of bright pink, purple, or blue across the long swoop bang or on the underneath in the back?  I am honestly not joking!  I think it is super cute...but I know I'll never be brave enough to do it in fear of becoming the family outcast.  Let me not forget to mention the cool looking feathers people are getting now.  Oh just to try it...but my hair is super short now and I may look like Yankee Doodle.  
I suppose if I become one of these trendy dressing, frequently changing hairstyle people...I might could pull it off!

I guess for now, I'll just keep dreaming:)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Remember When

These last couple of weeks have been pretty challenging on this ol' mom. We, as a family, have adjusted well to the new routine of the kids changing schools.  It actually is going great and the kids love their new school.  I must say though, the adjustment to new teachers+ the level of difficulty in the homework+ a very strong willed 4th grader + an impatient, easily frustrated, and strong willed mom= disaster! Whew! My mom never warned me of these troubled times. Well, if she did, I must have been absent that day in Parenting 101.  All of these struggles have caused me to recall my former carefree life as a child. 

I remember when...

I bopped around with my daddy, topless...yes...topless- just like he did, cut off jean shorts and all

I started school early at Gordon Ivey because my mom had nobody to keep me  and then I passed "some sort of test" that said I was "qualified" to move on- very complex- I remember fitting shapes into a plastic octagon ball.

writing my name as Leah Parker, Jr. on my papers

having hair that was very difficult for mama to manage and after trying beer, mayonaise, and Lord knows what else...she finally took me to get a true Orphan Annie perm.

becoming an aunt in the 3rd was I cool

crying just about everyday for the first month or so of school and making my older sister late for her classes frequently

watching my favorite television shows at night, George Jefferson, Sanford and Son, Good Times, and really getting lost in the moment- lying on the floor of our yellow tiled living room  propped on my elbows, feet in the air.  No worries!  Man I really miss times like this:)

playing daily with the neighborhood crew...Charlene, Debbie, Bonnie, Angel , and Merry

telling Gena and Lynn they weren't my mother because they consistently made Bonnie and I do all of the cleaning while mama was gone...eespecially Gena

getting into Gena and Lynn's high heel shoes while they weren't home.  We used to fight over the wooden soled wedges that could be worn very easily today

pretending to be solid gold dancers...yep...on that same yellow tiled floor

riding Debbie's mo-ped EVERYwhere...this was our transportation

surviving our first 3 wheeler

Mr Lantz letting me drive his old white chevy truck on old toomsboro road...I was maybe 10 or so;)

selling lemonade from our lemonade stand in the front yard

buying ice cream from the ice cream truck that used to round

going to the "Irwinton" fair

being the "tattler" because I was the youngest of the neighborhood punishment- I was always stuck with the BROWN m&m pillow, while they got to enjoy the lavendar and red; I had to watch for indians in the cherry tree we used to use as a hideout/tree house

I hesitantly return to reality...and realize how blessed I am when I remember...

my husband, who is now my laughter and care-free living

my peanut and my goober

Life is good!

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Mother's Love

I have waiting patiently to blog about this...I was waiting until after Sunday when we told our family and church family.  And before you form any assumptions...I am not pregnant!  This is just as exciting as that feeling was but, to me, it is even greater than that. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing one of your own accepting Christ.  Well, we had the pleasure of experiencing this on Thursday, Aug. 18th.  My precious "peanut" shared with me her decision to ask Jesus to come into her heart.  Needless to say, I was sooooo excited! Her father and I prayed with her and for her. I didn't feel like I could tell her enough about the love of God and what it means to be a Christian.  I had to remind myself she was only 9 and she is not going to understand everything I tell her.  Sunday, our pastor  made mention of child like faith.  I smiled and thanked God for this reminder of how kids are very simple minded and we, as adults, are the ones that "know" too much and make things way too complicated.  I breathed a sigh of relief, not feeling like, I had to make her understand everything at this point.  I only wish I could always have that simple minded faith, just trusting in Him and believing He is who He says He is and He can do ALL He says He can do.  Without all of the ifs, ands, and buts. 

My prayer for her is that she will be bold in her faith!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm Yours, Lord!

Teachings from my current Bible study- When Life Gets Hard by James McDonald.

Hebrews 12:6-8 The Lord disciplines the one He loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.  It is for discipline that you have to endure.  God is treating you as sons.  For what son is there whom his father does not discipline?  If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. 

What a revelation!  This is a great reminder that I am a part of the family of God. I love James McDonald's definition of a trial- he says a trial is a painful circumstance allowed by God to change our conduct and our character.  Boy howdy...thanks God...if that's what it took ..and sorry I was such a hard case to crack.  I can honestly say I give thanks for my trials I have endured.  Now, this is easy for me to say...during- now that was a different story.  Also McDonald shares this- not to forget:  if God allows your life to become hard, His motivation is always love.  He loves you.  His eyes are on you. His attention is directed toward you.  All of His thoughts are about you.  The goal of the pain is your restoration to a deeper sense of His love.  Sorry guys, if you missed God for a while- because He was right there with me focusing his attention on me.  Didn't mean to be such a hog- but for 5-6 years if you felt was because he was working hard on me.  Psst...I really know that's not the way it works, silly!  Omnipresent is He!

Also a great illustration given...the nail that doesn't remain under the hammer will never reach its destination.  We must remain in the place of pain (endure) until the goal is reached or God's end result is acheived.  Do not bail!!!!

Thank you, God, for the pain that has made me realize just how much you love me and work all things for good- no matter how bad it gets!

Yours truly!

Monday, August 15, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things!

my God time in the morning

the smell of rain

the smell of fresh cut grass

star gazing

a good cup of coffee

bed time for kids...rubbing Jordan's back and hearing her say "rub it like it tickles, Mama" and Britton saying "will you lay with me for a few minutes?"

when my kids randomly say I love you!

worshiping while running

when my husband tries to convince me I am the most beautiful thing he has ever seen

when someone says I look and act like my mother and...

when I chuckle on the inside because I know really I look like my daddy

Saturday mornings with no agenda

Sunday night family time...extended family includes friends in this case

a clean house... this one gets me in trouble sometimes

and if any of you know me well enough you already know my weakness.....I love anything sweet!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Armed and Dangerous

Honestly, it should be "Armed and Safe", but that doesn't sound catchy. 

Recently, I have started waking up much earlier than usual.  I use this as my time to do my Bible study, run, etc...things that are solely for me.  Because "me" gets put away about 6am.  The past few days I slept in and my whole household suffered.  Today, I vowed to get back on track...only to find out that my running partners were sleeping in.  I sleepily turned my alarm off, after convincing myself not to utilize the crafty snooze button.  I am horrified to attempt to run in the dark alone so I forced myself out of bed with the promise of having more time with God. 

What a refreshing morning...God gave me a great message this morning! 

Ephesians 6:13-18
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the  shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 

My belt of truth...Satan is the father of lies.  God detests a lying tongue. 

My breastplate... righteousness. This protects my heart from accusations and charges of Satan and secures my innermost being. If this weren't present, the blows could be fatal. This righteousness is not works of righteousness done by men.This refers to the righteousness of Christ, received by faith.
My feet... are prepared with the gospel of peace for spiritual conflict. Satan places dangerous
obstacles in my path. When I tread on the enemy's territory, I will be aware of these traps but exhibit grace as Christ did...with a goal of allowing others to see and desire that for their life.

My shield of faith ...This protects me from doubting the faithfulness of God and His word. 

My helmet of salvation...guards my mind so I will not receive any false doctrines or fall into temptation.   

My sword... I have the word of God as an offensive weapon. It is unique as all of my other gear is defensive in nature.

I am now prepared, fully armed,  to begin this rat race called life!  For now, "me" is signing off to get busy with my mini mes. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

God Speaks

After an amazing God-filled weekend and experiencing some answered prayers, I must say my week started out a little apprehensive.  My kids changed schools this year and just the change in routine and the change from something that I knew was working well to something that I totally had to put in God's hands was scary.  We prayed about the decision to move the kids and felt like there were no reasons not to so we accepted that as confirmation.  The kids have been super excited!  This school requires them to wear uniforms and guess what... they are even excited about that.  In fact, the first week they allowed them to dress down with the understanding not all of the kids would have their uniforms...but my kids chose to go in full uniform this morning! I actually got to drive my own kids to school because their new school is located near my work!  Wow, I never expected to get such a feeling of satisfaction from just driving my kids to school.  It was a feeling of being a full fledged mother!  They walked in with pride...each with their own book bags and two huge bags of school supplies.  My oldest, the little mama, said  "Mama, I don't want you to walk us in, I can get everything and take brother to his class."  I couldn't even talk them into even acting like they wanted their mama to walk them into school the first day.  Oh well, I decided to give in and let them go on their own.   Wonder what the teachers thought?  Oh well, they have to grow up sometime!  I totally held it together until the drive to work and then I broke down crying.  My mind couldn't let go of the feelings of me not being needed by my kids, and them just growing up.  I then decided to look at my daily verse that I receive on my phone every morning.  Then God was my favorite verse...2 Timothy 1:7  For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.  I then could breath easy...that is after the overwhelming feeling of love I felt.  God knew I needed that verse today of all days with the uneasiness of starting a new school!  God amazes me, especially when He speaks directly to little ol' me:)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

About Me

I am a small town girl. Born to parents who both were successful business owners for many years.  I am the youngest of four girls...poor daddy.  That would make me "the baby girl"...before you jump to assumptions...I am not spoiled.  I have worked hard for everything I have.  Doesn't matter what people think because before I am "the baby girl", I am a child of God and He is my Provider.  I own nothing I have, it all belongs to Him.  I had a carefree childhood with no major tragedies. After my wild and crazy teenage years, I met someone who made me the happiest girl on earth.  After a short courtship of four months we were engaged and married a year a half later.  Perfect life one would say? Not quite.  My trials in life came all at once and I thought they would never end.  Briefing of my life: Undergrad nursing school, job seeking, birth of my daughter, attended graduate nursing school, birth of my son, extended illness with my mother and father, death of my mother...all while my marriage was spiraling and I was too busy to recognize it. I worked part time as a Nurse Practitioner at what I would call a dream job, but that was it ...nothing permanent only temporary work was available.   I was blessed with a job at a family practice in Gray.  Great job for the career woman but not so much for a wife and mother.  It was super stressful and busy!  God made a way for the dream job I originally had to be made into full time/permanent.  I was able to return to the job I loved and the people I loved even more!  This sounds like a happy ending?  Well...Satan wasn't finished yet...and even better God wasn't either:)  Satan attacked my marriage once again.  God is so awesome and has navigated every turn in my life! Even placing me where I needed to be when I needed to be there and who I needed to be with. Jason and I are happily married for 14 years and are now totally surrendered to God and know that we are nothing without Him!  I needed lots of refining fire and God knew it....He put me through it and brought me through it a better person!  This brings us to today...why did I start this blog?  (1) I was inspired by a special friend who blogs and I love reading hers...I can hear her saying every word as if she is speaking to me (2) I am a strange twist of a wordy person that is slightly introverted and my brain and my fingers work better together than my brain and my mouth.  Hope you will follow and enjoy! Until next time...