Bring a Friend to School day forms done and sent...check
Birthday invitations "attempted"...check
Crazy day at work....double check
Cookies for Awana tonight in oven...check (thanks to Jason)
Counter full of the one million forms with due dates to send to school and items to remember...check
Ball schedule reviewed and plans made for ballgames Thurs-Sat...check
Music picked out and copied for praise band event at Relay for Life...check
I am not sure if it's age, my past, or just my personality....but I no longer do well when things linger over my head and there are "fifty-eleven million" things going on at once. My memory leaves me...hence my counter FULL of papers for reminders. I am positive my coworkers think I am about to lose it- I, without fail- on a daily basis, have conversations with myself at my desk as I talk through things. I realize I am "really" mental this afternoon when the normal day to day things happen and I hear this sweet voice say ..."Leah- you got a walk-in" for what seemed like the "fifty-eleventh" (that was kind of catchy) time and I feel I could explode on the inside. On the way home from work, I had a sweet little reminder from my son to calm down and that in the midst of ALL of the goings ons everything will be just fine. It wasn't in those exact words, as he is only 7- but very smart I might add. He gets to go visit his old school with his cousin and see his friends he hasn't seen in a while. Trinity has "bring a friend to school day" every year and both of my kids are going this time. Well, I knew all of Jordan's missed work was arranged with her teacher. However, I failed to check with Britton's teacher. So in panic mode, as usual, on the way home, I began asking 20 questions about him missing his spelling test tomorrow. He finally looks me in the eye and says..."Mama, we will just have to see how it works out." "Well, thank you very much, sir- you seem so calm!", I responded and began to chuckle and fight back tears all at once. He has it all figured out! I am thankful I have a very calm, laid back better half. Our kids are fortunately taking after him When I got home today- he knew just by looking at me that I was stressed. I asked him if he minded if I went for a run...he quickly responded- No, I was hoping you would ask that. Not sure if he was appeasing me or he has figured out how therapeutic running is for me. My little 1 1/2 miler did my mind good, my tears and sweat were interchangeable. We work together well- he is constantly telling me not to sweat the small stuff. And if it's not my small is other people's traumatic crises that I am worried over. My mind is tired as I come to the end of my day. I can rest easy, not only because I have worn myself out- but knowing I can cast all my cares on Him, the One who loves me larger than life!