Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Meet Joe

Every day the Lord allows me to awake with breath in my lungs is a good day.  Today was no exception.  My alarm sounded at 415, I sloooooowly arise and don the running gear.  I can't resist the face of the white ball of fluff lying in her crate as I enter the living room.  So I take her on her morning outing in the front yard and all of a sudden I realize it is sprinkling rain.  Sprinkles haven't stopped our running in the past, but in a few short minutes it converted to a full, heavy rain.  My mind wonders...run or go back to bed?  My answer came in the form of a text from my Love..."its raining...go back to bed".  So off to bed I go, I take my Bible and my current study by Kelly Minter "No Other Gods" to bed.  I complete day 5 then nuzzle. To nuzzle, according to Webster, is to lie close or snug...this calls for some great sleep until....the alarm sounds for the second time.  I thank God for my extra sleep and the best nuzzle partner ever.  I begin my usual routine.  My 6 foot, blue-eyed, coffee fairy came and left me a fresh, hot cup of coffee for me to enjoy after my shower. 
 After finally heading out with the kids, we are on the road to Milledgeville and we spot Joe Henry waiting for someone to give him a ride. With not much time to spare, I look over at Jordan and realize...we have to stop...conviction- you gotta love it!  For those of you who aren't from Wilkinson County, you may not know Joe.  I have known him since I was a small child.  One of my earliest memories is of him giving me a quarter here and there and my parents taking him to and fro to various places-all of course while I was a little squirmish because he can be a little frightening to a child.  When I was a teenager, he gave me a pair of his Liberty overalls that were too small for him.  Of course I washed and washed again, cut them off and sported the frayed look that was once in style.   He traveled by bicycle for years...now he goes by foot...EVERYWHERE! Although, sometimes difficult to interpret what he is saying...a smile in return will usually suffice.  Today, giving Joe a ride blessed me more than him I am sure...as he hitches rides daily.  Although, I was running late, I decided to make this tiny act of kindness a priority. As Jordan expresses a sigh of relief, he joined Britton in the back seat who was playing his DS. Joe talked, laughed, and hugged on Britton nearly the whole ride to Maebob's.  Fun times and off to school we go! 
So today my blessings come in small packages yet huge in reality:
A new day
Rain...and a valid excuse for not running
God's word
My nuzzle partner
Coffee Fairies
My beautiful children
SCA beauties that just smile - even when it is 800...well may 805 when I drive up.
....and Joe Henry Hoover!
  Today my tardiness was legit...who could resist a face like this?