Ten years ago today, I was blessed with my first bundle of joy, Jordan Elizabeth Barbee. Beautiful name right? Well, her daddy has called her "Peanut" (properly spelt Pnut) from day one because she was tiny, bald, and had a very round head when she was born. Her first day or two was very busy for her. My pinning ceremony for nursing school was the day after her birth. I was determined to be there, baby in tow. That has to be the craziest day ever. After getting the ok from my doctor for early discharge, we hurriedly gathered flowers, balloons, and all other goodies from the hospital and piled them quickly into the car. We landed in Irwinton shortly thereafter and noticed the water from the vases had spilled in the back seat and so was lots of other things. Ever heard a new mother say that riding the baby around in the car for the first time made them nervous? I didn't even have time to have those thoughts so I was quickly relieved of that fear. Upon arriving to Parker Street we changed and shewed away the company we were already beginning to have and set out on a very fast trip to GCSU in Milledgeville. I don't think I have ever nursed a baby while traveling that fast! I hope we didn't scar her for life with all of that insanity!
I was overjoyed and excited but soon realized that this beautiful baby of mine cried... and cried LOTS. This was officially her first hobby- as I think it consumed most of hers, mine, and everyone elses time for the first several months of her life! Some events I remember:
Being in Walmart holding this screaming child and strangers commenting she was hungry and swore I needed to feed her.
Someone (I didn't know) actually saying, in Walmart again, "Here- let me take her, I bet I can calm her down." I gladly handed her over :) Guess what! It didn't work.
Constantly staying outside in the heat...as this seemed to calm her down.
Setting her on top of the dryer, hoping the wobble and noise would soothe her.
Letting the vacuum cleaner run while sitting idle for a while so I could have what I called, peace and quiet.
Giving her Mylicon drops like they were candy (forgoing the dose and frequency)- they didn't work it was only for my mental state.
Giving her the prescription drops that would make her sleep for a short while, only for her to wake up crying again.
This crying baby has grown into a beautiful young lady. She has been through more than most 10 year olds and not as much as others. She has embraced troubled times and has proved to be a strong girl. Many times, she has let me cry on her shoulder and told me things would be ok and for me to stop crying, as she cried with me. Now, she is not only my daughter, but a sister in Christ and has experienced the true forgiveness we can only find in Jesus Christ. We are somewhat alike and that can cause some friction sometimes, but overall our bond is tight!
On this day, I am blessed to call you my child! I love you, Jordan Elizabeth Barbee! (aka Pnut)