Once upon a time...
in a quaint little town, there lived a little girl who worked at the local diner. One day while she was working, she met a boy- in fact, she served him the best burger and fries anyone could ever ask for. This young man seemed different to her. Not different in a bad way...just different. His humor....crude, dry, yet contagious. Unsure if anything he said was real or in jest, she just giggled and played along. They warmed up to each other and began to spend lots of time together. Weekly, she would receive a bouquet of roses that were bused in from his friendly hometown florist.
Eventually, these two kids were inseparable. Four short months went by and he asked her if she would grow old with him. She was thrilled and of course said yes. Their long engagement called for plenty of time for wedding plans. June 7, 1997 is a day that neither of them will ever forget. They said their wedding vows, were young and in love but had no idea what God had in store for them.
They started their new life together. Between work and school they stayed busy, but eventually they were blessed with two precious children. More work and even more schooling caused them to become very busy. Too busy. Their life together became one big mess but all the while was surrounded by God's protection. They both were struck down... but not destroyed.
Fifteen years later, they love each other more than ever. "Truly connected", as he puts it. A team-committed to the hard work of marriage. They continue to live and raise their kids in the same quaint town that they met. They have experienced the refining fire and have truly been blessed. As for them and their house, they serve the Lord. They both are relishing the concept of a new marriage with the same spouse.
And they lived happily ever after...
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