Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Meet Joe

Every day the Lord allows me to awake with breath in my lungs is a good day.  Today was no exception.  My alarm sounded at 415, I sloooooowly arise and don the running gear.  I can't resist the face of the white ball of fluff lying in her crate as I enter the living room.  So I take her on her morning outing in the front yard and all of a sudden I realize it is sprinkling rain.  Sprinkles haven't stopped our running in the past, but in a few short minutes it converted to a full, heavy rain.  My mind wonders...run or go back to bed?  My answer came in the form of a text from my Love..."its raining...go back to bed".  So off to bed I go, I take my Bible and my current study by Kelly Minter "No Other Gods" to bed.  I complete day 5 then nuzzle. To nuzzle, according to Webster, is to lie close or snug...this calls for some great sleep until....the alarm sounds for the second time.  I thank God for my extra sleep and the best nuzzle partner ever.  I begin my usual routine.  My 6 foot, blue-eyed, coffee fairy came and left me a fresh, hot cup of coffee for me to enjoy after my shower. 
 After finally heading out with the kids, we are on the road to Milledgeville and we spot Joe Henry waiting for someone to give him a ride. With not much time to spare, I look over at Jordan and realize...we have to stop...conviction- you gotta love it!  For those of you who aren't from Wilkinson County, you may not know Joe.  I have known him since I was a small child.  One of my earliest memories is of him giving me a quarter here and there and my parents taking him to and fro to various places-all of course while I was a little squirmish because he can be a little frightening to a child.  When I was a teenager, he gave me a pair of his Liberty overalls that were too small for him.  Of course I washed and washed again, cut them off and sported the frayed look that was once in style.   He traveled by bicycle for years...now he goes by foot...EVERYWHERE! Although, sometimes difficult to interpret what he is saying...a smile in return will usually suffice.  Today, giving Joe a ride blessed me more than him I am sure...as he hitches rides daily.  Although, I was running late, I decided to make this tiny act of kindness a priority. As Jordan expresses a sigh of relief, he joined Britton in the back seat who was playing his DS. Joe talked, laughed, and hugged on Britton nearly the whole ride to Maebob's.  Fun times and off to school we go! 
So today my blessings come in small packages yet huge in reality:
A new day
Rain...and a valid excuse for not running
God's word
My nuzzle partner
Coffee Fairies
My beautiful children
SCA beauties that just smile - even when it is 800...well may 805 when I drive up.
....and Joe Henry Hoover!
  Today my tardiness was legit...who could resist a face like this? 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

You Never Know

Blog world, I will warn you that the following contents are useless bits of information.  But I find myself lately needing light hearted humor in this thing called, life. 

As I was rummaging through my purse this morning, I chuckled because I never could locate what I was searching for and I knew it was there...somewhere.  I was suddenly taken aback at just how many "things"  I had to pass over in my hunt.  If one was to search my bag right now they would find:

*Happy Hollow Daycare Forms I received a week ago... all I had to do was place a signature and Lindsey said she would do the rest...I'll get them to her one day 
*A jar of Earth Balance Peanut Butter (made with coconut oil), my new found love, introduced to me by my sis
*A Granny Smith apple, my daily snack that I indulge with the above contents slathered along the top
*A knitting pattern, along with yarn and needles of course
*A pair of socks- for my Drs. appt today ...yuck!
*Recipes I got from "Miss Alice" (MeMe)
*A Protein bar, another daily afternoon snack
*A Ring Pop I promised to a sweet girl
*An eraser in the shape of a game controller (still in the package)
*My grocery cash envelope... empty
*Shoestrings x2... 1 black pair and 1 white pair
*Kineseo Tex tape along with instructions (Thanks Emma!)
*A vast array of medications
*Box tops and coke tops for SCA
*Dental Floss...Julie, my good friend and dental hygienist would be proud
*Lip Stick...Jason calls this my "pop-pop"...one of my necessities

I am seen carrying this purse/bag of mine everywhere I go.  On Sundays, its usually loaded with even more items belonging to the kids and of course my morning travel mug.  I would guess that one would be surprised if they took a peep in my satchel. 

So, what's in your bag?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time...

 in a quaint little town, there lived a little girl who worked at the local diner.  One day while she was working, she met a boy- in fact, she served him the best burger and fries anyone could ever ask for.  This young man seemed different to her.  Not different in a bad way...just different.  His humor....crude, dry, yet contagious.  Unsure if anything he said was real or in jest, she just giggled and played along.  They warmed up to each other and began to spend lots of time together.  Weekly, she would receive a bouquet of roses that were bused in from his friendly hometown florist. 

Eventually, these two kids were inseparable.  Four short months went by and he asked her if she would grow old with him.  She was thrilled and of course said yes.  Their long engagement called for plenty of time for wedding plans.  June 7, 1997 is a day that neither of them will ever forget.  They said their wedding vows, were young and in love but had no idea what God had in store for them.

They started their new life together.  Between work and school they stayed busy, but eventually they were blessed with two precious children.  More work and even more schooling caused them to become very busy.  Too busy.  Their life together became one big mess but all the while was surrounded by God's protection.  They both were struck down... but not destroyed. 

Fifteen years later, they love each other more than ever.  "Truly connected", as he puts it. A team-committed to the hard work of marriage.  They continue to live and raise their kids in the same quaint town that they met.  They have experienced the refining fire and have truly been blessed.  As for them and their house, they serve the Lord.  They both are relishing  the concept of a new marriage with the same spouse. 

And they lived happily ever after...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Brown-eyed girl!

Blog world, you should know by now if I have blogged about you...I love you!  Now, now, don't take that to mean if I have not blogged about you you are aren't loved. The timing hasn't been right, that's all.  Now for the star role of this blog...I introduce to you , my niece, Miss Audrey Grace Burns!

You may not recognize her name Audrey Grace as she goes by "Gracie".  She was named after one of the matriarchs in our church, Audrey Grayson.  All of my nieces and nephews are special to me.  This particular one, I was blessed to be part of her delivery when I worked in Labor and Delivery.  I was the first, aside from the midwife,  to see her pretty little head. 

She has grown into quite a bubbly little girl with a personality that screams drama queen!  As you can see, she has beautiful, huge, brown eyes that act as dancing walnuts when she talks and laughs.  She can tell you the most interesting stories with such zeal! 

One of her favorite past times is sucking her finger.  I tried to stage a pic of her caught in the act and she informed me, "No, I don't do that much anymore, Aunt Leah!"    She is growing up fast!  She just graduated from kindergarten at TCS. 

Keep on keepin' on, Gracie! It's a tough job keeping everyone in line, you're doing a great job so far!

I love you, my brown eyed girl!

Aunt Leah

Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy Graduation Rhett & Ryan!

Rhett & Ryan,

Where in the world has time gone?  It seems like just yesterday we were so excited because we learned we were getting our first set of twins in the family.  By the way, God knew which of the Parker girls could raise twins and remain sane in doing so.  And tonight you two handsome men will walk across the stage at JMA.  It has been amazing watching you grow into the men you are today. 

You two have a relationship with one another that is unique, unlike any other relationship you will ever encounter.  A bond that is tight.   You are a pair, yet unique as individuals.  Each of you are strong men with great potential.  I remember when your mom tried you in different kindergarten classes thinking that was the best plan.  It didn't take long to learn that you weren't easily separated, you guys constantly looked for one another.  The coming year will be exciting but different because you two are going separate ways. 

I leave you both with a challenge.  Yes, graduating from high school is a great accomplishment, yet not the greatest in life.  The greatest is not to be the best athlete nor the smartest student.  The most important decision you will ever make is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and choosing to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. This decision will lead to God's highest calling for man.    I challenge you to take a stand for Christ in such a way that this world can't touch you.  I pray you will be hungry for His word and yield to its instruction.  God's word tells us we must learn to be in this world but not conform to it's ways.  That is hard to do without being totally sold out for God. All in or all out...it's not possible to serve the world and God at this same time. Not lukewarm...yet on fire.  Without Him guiding your way, you will be in darkness and easily tossed about.  This decision will influence your life forever,  not just now.  A godly young man grows into a godly husband and father and that is precious in the eyes of the Lord, his plan for you.  Then you will leave a legacy that will continue for many generations.  

I love you both and I am excited about your new journey!

Aunt Leah

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Nurse's Week!

Alright blog world- in honor of nurses week I thought I would post some of the things that really grate my nerves to hear.  Sometimes I grin and bear it, others times not-of course if it could cause harm I'll speak up.  We all know that old wives tales/myths/that's what my mom told mes outweigh the textbook knowledge that has strong clinical evidence right?  So I thought I would dumb some things down and make what some make so complicated easy to digest. 

(1) URI (upper respiratory infection)- aka the common cold, is caused by a virus (usually the Rhinovirus to be exact) that someone has come in contact with.  To be brutally honest, if you contract a cold, you have either inhaled some one's respiratory droplets, touched some one's dried "snot" from where they wiped their nose and then touched that grocery cart/door knob etc...Make a mental note that hand washing is very important.  This eliminates the following causes: sleeping under a fan, walking around with wet hair, being outside with no shoes in cold weather, etc... The normal course of these things can be 7-10 days. This brings me to my next ranting.

(2) Antibiotics are used to treat bacteria and are ineffective on viruses.  Bacteria and viruses are not the same in that viruses cause problems until they die on their own (run their course) and bacteria will live and cause problems until killed with antibiotics.  When you have the sniffles or an uncomplicated cough you need only to drink plenty of fluids to thin that "snot" I referred to above right out. (Have fun harkin' that up by the way!) Use some good ole' decongestants , you know some inexpensive over the counter products will help.  BUT keep in mind...you will not be cured over night (see above for the normal course of  a URI).  If after that 7-10 days...then you may need something stronger (that's another lesson for another day- stay tuned).  Take home message:  *antibiotics do not treat colds* *No one should ever have any "left-over" antibiotics- if they do they didn't take them properly and are setting themselves up for trouble later on.   So don't go ask Aunt Susie if you could borrow some of hers.* If you have taken antibiotics for a cold and swear they worked...this is probably what happened.  You suffered with cold symptoms for 4 or so days until you couldn't stand it anymore, you stole from Aunt Susie's medicine cabinet and then in a few days you were miraculously cured.  Guess what in those 7 days you were sick...your RhinoVIRUS was running its normal course and by day 2 or 3 of your unecessary antibiotics your cold was resolving on its own.  Can you tell I deal with this almost daily?

(3)  The textbook normal body temp is 98.6.  This does fluctuate, however a fever is not considered a fever until its over 100.3 and that's even a low grade temp.  When someone says they have a temperature because their thermometer read 98.6 and their reason is because their normal body temp is 96.0-  I just smile because I know that is what they learned in childhood.  Truth: if your normal body temp is 96.0 you might need to get evaluated for hypothermia. 

(4)  Allergies to medications are NOT inherited.  Just because your mom or dad had an allergic reaction to penicillin does not mean you will.  Everyone has their own unique immune system that acts independently. 

(5) You are perfectly allowed to drink milk if you have a fever.  The only time I would warn someone to avoid dairy in relation to a fever is if the fever is due to a stomach virus.  That can cause further stomach upset due to the acid in milk...not because it may curdle in the belly.

(6) Last but certainly not least...I never mind giving anyone medical advice *pinky promise*.  I don't pretend to know it all (I'm sure Jason will get a laugh out of that one). I can only give you my educated opinion. 

Please keep in mind this is a post in honor of nurse's week and some much needed humor in my life- not to offend anyone.  I won't laugh at your beliefs or teachings...but I do promise not to  intentionally withhold information that could be detrimental to your health.   

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jordan!

Ten years ago today, I was blessed with my first bundle of joy, Jordan Elizabeth Barbee. Beautiful name right? Well, her daddy has called her "Peanut" (properly spelt Pnut) from day one because she was tiny, bald, and had a very round head when she was born.   Her first day or two was very busy for her.  My pinning ceremony for nursing school was the day after her birth.  I was determined to be there, baby in tow. That has to be the craziest day ever. After getting the ok from my doctor for early discharge, we hurriedly gathered flowers, balloons, and all other goodies from the hospital and piled them quickly into the car.  We landed in Irwinton shortly thereafter and noticed the water from the vases had spilled in the back seat and so was lots of other things.  Ever heard a new mother say that riding the baby around in the car for the first time made them nervous?  I didn't even have time to have those thoughts so I  was quickly relieved of that fear.  Upon arriving to Parker Street we changed and shewed away the company we were already beginning to have and set out on a very fast trip to GCSU in Milledgeville.  I don't think I have ever nursed a baby while traveling that fast! I hope we didn't scar her for life with all of that insanity!

 I was overjoyed and excited but soon realized that this beautiful baby of mine cried... and cried LOTS.  This was officially her first hobby- as I think it consumed most of hers, mine, and everyone elses time for the first several months of her life!  Some events I remember:

Being in Walmart holding this screaming child and strangers commenting she was hungry and swore I needed to feed her.

Someone (I didn't know) actually saying, in Walmart again, "Here- let me take her, I bet I can calm her down."  I gladly handed her over :) Guess what!  It didn't work.

Constantly staying outside in the heat...as this seemed to calm her down.

Setting her on top of the dryer, hoping the wobble and noise would soothe her.

Letting the vacuum cleaner run while sitting idle for a while so I could have what I called, peace and quiet. 

Giving her Mylicon drops like they were candy (forgoing the dose and frequency)- they didn't work it was only for my mental state.

Giving her the prescription drops that would make her sleep for a short while, only for her to wake up crying again.

This crying baby has grown into a beautiful young lady. She has been through more than most 10 year olds and not as much as others.  She has embraced troubled times and has proved to be a strong girl. Many times, she has let me cry on her shoulder and told me things would be ok and for me to stop crying, as she cried with me.  Now, she is not only my daughter, but a sister in Christ and has experienced the true forgiveness we can only find in Jesus Christ.  We are somewhat alike and that can cause some friction sometimes, but overall our bond is tight!

On this day, I am blessed to call you my child!  I love you, Jordan Elizabeth Barbee! (aka Pnut)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Is it summer yet?

Bring a Friend to School day forms done and sent...check
Birthday invitations "attempted"...check
Crazy day at work....double check
Cookies for Awana tonight in oven...check (thanks to Jason)
Counter full of the one million forms with due dates to send to school and items to remember...check
Ball schedule reviewed and plans made for ballgames Thurs-Sat...check
Music picked out and copied for praise band event at Relay for Life...check

I am not sure if it's age, my past, or just my personality....but I no longer do well when things linger over my head and there are "fifty-eleven million" things going on at once.  My memory leaves me...hence my counter FULL of papers for reminders.  I am positive my coworkers think I am about to lose it- I, without fail- on a daily basis,  have conversations with myself at my desk as I talk through things.  I realize I am "really" mental this afternoon when the normal day to day things happen and I hear this sweet voice say ..."Leah- you got a walk-in" for what seemed like the "fifty-eleventh" (that was kind of catchy) time and I feel I could explode on the inside.  On the way home from work, I had a sweet little reminder from my son to calm down and that in the midst of ALL of the goings ons everything will be just fine.  It wasn't in those exact words, as he is only 7- but very smart I might add.  He gets to go visit his old school with his cousin and see his friends he hasn't seen in a while.  Trinity has "bring a friend to school day" every year and both of my kids are going this time.  Well, I knew all of Jordan's missed work was arranged with her teacher.  However, I failed to check with Britton's teacher.  So in panic mode, as usual,  on the way home, I began asking 20 questions about him missing his spelling test tomorrow.  He finally looks me in the eye and says..."Mama, we will just have to see how it works out."  "Well, thank you very much, sir- you seem so calm!", I responded and began to chuckle and fight back tears all at once.  He has it all figured out!  I am thankful I have a very calm, laid back better half. Our kids are fortunately taking after him  When I got home today- he knew just by looking at me that I was stressed. I asked him if he minded if I went for a run...he quickly responded- No, I was hoping you would ask that.  Not sure if he was appeasing me or he has figured out how therapeutic running is for me.  My little 1 1/2  miler did my mind good, my tears and sweat were interchangeable.  We work together well- he is constantly telling me not to sweat the small stuff.  And if it's not my small drama....it is other people's traumatic crises that I am worried over.  My mind is tired as I come to the end of my day.  I can rest easy, not only because I have worn myself out- but knowing I can cast all my cares on Him, the One who loves me larger than life!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Beauty of Your Majesty

The beauty of Your majesty, displayed for all the world to see.  Is it any wonder we sing...great are You Lord for we adore You, lift up Your name and fall before You.  We stand in awe and sing great are You Lord.  I love this song by Phillips, Craig & Dean.  

It might be a stretch to say that taking your dog out can be breathe taking, but last night I would beg to differ.  It was an unusual night, as I was the last one to bed down.  I couldn't use the usual excuse of "not having my shoes on" and my subtle hints to nudge Jason to take her out for the final time.  So there we were, in the front yard, just Holly and myself.  It was the usual...waiting... while this white fluff ball played in the tons of clovers that have overtaken the yard.  I looked up and there they came, my usual tears.  I was in awe of how beautiful the sky appeared.  The crescent shape and brightness of the moon just stood out to me on this night and the stars were very bright.  The night sky has always been alluring to me.  On this night, it screamed of God's majesty!  Beautiful.. and to think he placed them there for me to gaze upon. 

I couldn't sleep, I was pumped- awaiting a tiny, yet huge miracle to come into this world!  My mind was fixed on the awesomeness of God that loves me more than anything but displays how mighty He is in every way.  All we have to do is look around and He is there! 

On this day, I pray that you will look around and see God smiling on you and thank Him for his majestic miracles!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Marathon Memoir

It all started with a suggestion from my friend, Steph.  "Hey Leah, you should train and do the Publix marathon with us in March!" I responded with a quick ..."There's no way."  I remember the few short minutes after this conversation thinking to myself...easy for you to say, you've already done one and then like a ton of bricks.....what is stopping me?  I knew I would stick to the training schedule...my strong willed personality would benefit me in this case.  November 2011 rolled around and I decided to make it one of my goals, I found a training schedule-printed it out and plastered it on the fridge.  I had been running pretty regular and thought...why not?  With very little persuasion, I strung Bonnie, my sister, along for the ride.  I must say the accountability of having a running partner was great and for me it was a necessity.  When we got to the LONG runs, we became a threesome...Steph, Bonnie, and myself.

We ran, ran, and ran some more- clocking lots of much needed miles.  Bonnie had a bad twist of fate when on a 16 miler one Saturday afternoon, she fell and broke her foot.  Devastated, to say the least!  Her attitude was exemplary from day one- yes it was very obvious she was upset about being out of the race, but she held her head high and continued to encourage us both every step of the way.  Did I mention I love her? We will do it TOGETHER next year!
Only thing missing is Bonnie!

Race day has come and gone and here we are.  When asked how was the race?  My first response is either...rough, horrible, hot, very hilly, much worse than what I thought....but always with an added-  yet the best thing ever and I am so glad I did it.  The best of times and the worst of times.  It was very interesting the changes in my mental state.  It makes me laugh every time I think of the different phases.  Jason had my "marathon mix" ready on his ipod...including 2 or 3 sermons to choose from.  I decided to start with music to get me going and save the Word for when I really needed it.

About to head to the starting corral-Court, Lou, Steph, and me.

Phase 1... The temperature was great...at 7 am that is- it felt amazing and so did I. Excitement, butterflies, full of adrenaline and going strong.  We were rockin and rollin maybe at mile 4 or 5 and I saw people losing their breakfast...I was taken aback...thinking- already? This was my first "OMG" moment.  But I was feeling great...didn't stop for water until hydration station at mile 6.  I had to find the balance between good hydration for this soon to be hot and humid day and managing my mouse-like, delivered two babies bladder.  Using the "happy cans" was not in my intentions.  Still in good spirits with my praise and worship music blaring, I passed a homeless man at a street corner and I prayed for him. 

Phase 2...I was pleased with my time at mile 13...it was on target for my usual.  I remember thinking...not bad and giving myself a little pat on the back and a "I can do this...just stay focused".  Several hydration stations later....it was inevitable I was headed for the "happy can".  This was around mile 15 or so and my legs could use a good stretching anyway.  The balancing act over the seat served as a great beginning to stretch the quads.  The good news...there was tissue and an added bonus... hand sanitizer....cha ching:)  Relief and on the road again!  I slung back a couple of sports beans and a glass of luke warm water provided ...good to go! 

Phase 3...The sun had long been out by now and I've got 3 words for ya....HOT....HILLY...HIP PAIN!  I had fully prepared for it to be cool weather and then boom...it is totally summer in March.  Yay us!  I was  warned about the hills in this course but never thought they would start at about mile 18 or 19 and persist until mile 25.  Yay us! My only concern going into the race as far as ailments go was my left knee- I developed some tendonitis about a week before the big day so I took the week prior to the race off.  I wore a knee brace and prayed for the best.  Little did I know I would begin to feel a knife-like, deep pain in my right hip with every step of my right foot.  Forunately, my knee concern was quickly forgotten.  This new pain would stick with me until well after the race was over, like the next day.  I had to walk limp up most of the unending hills.  Unsure if it hurt worse to walk or run I kept going.  I began to take advantage of any type of nutrition that was offered along the way orange slices and ooh yay (so I thought) pretzels, the salt would be good for me.  Well, you know that saltine cracker trick where you shove as many in your mouth and try to eat them with no water?  Yeah, thick and pasty...the woman told me there was water up ahead,  it seemed like a small eternity, however. Growing more and more frustrated, I needed silence.  The earbuds were removed and I contemplated maybe taking advantage of the sermon but decided my attitude was not worthy of God's word right now.  Silence.  Every corner I turned....another hill.  My frustration became anger and holding back tears, well not so well, I stopped.  I prayed for strength and peace in my Spirit.  I told myself out loud..."you are making it worse with all of the negativity" I decided to use all of my energy I was wasting on complaining and being ill and finish the race.  I plowed through the heat, pain, and hills and ran on.  Thank God for the few spray stations that were added at the last minute. 

Phase 4...There is light at the end of this tunnel!  The hills were still coming and the race officials knew it was getting hard for everyone, or so it seemed.  As I was running by, they would say...it's gonna flatten out in about a mile or so, or only 1 or 2 more hills.  I swear if I heard the latter one more time I would have stopped and punched them square in the face.  LOL!  I then saw the infamous mile marker 25 and there it came...a gust of energy out of nowhere.  I finally rounded the corner where the runway to the finish line was located and my emotions got the best of me.  Crying, shaking my head back and forth (for whatever reason?), I spotted Jason, Ms. Elaine, and Wayne (Steph's Mister) on my left and I had arrived!  In utter disbelief, I was numb...hot, sore, and any other descriptive you wish!  I savored one last spray station! (below)

Praise God!
My inspiration!
About to cross!
I met my love on what seemed like a never ending journey after receiving my medal.  I have never been so happy to see his baby blues and dashing dimples;)  First thing...shoes had to come OFF! I hobbled back around and cheered Steph across the finish line.  Remember those 2 young, spry girls in one of the first pics...well they were well rested by the time I finished. 

We did it!!!!!

We all crashed and then celebrated with a huge meal at Fogo de Chao!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

While You Were Sleeping

I am sure somewhere along the way, you have read or heard about the marathon I am training for.  I can hear it now..."Oh no, not more about running!"  Well, not exactly, but maybe a little. In 5 short days this race will be over.   I have managed to make it through with only minor/not so minor injuries that began with a dog bite several months ago that has now healed.  Well, on my last long run several days ago, I began to feel an ache in my knee that was worse than the usual one that I feel in both knees.  Well, I just ignored it (of course)...well on my next short run...my left knee was screaming at me and I was quickly reminded.  Some Some swelling set in...not much but more than I would like to see at this point in the game.  Very frustrated, I quickly began to baby it in preparation for the race_ in remember...those 5 short days away.  Prednisone (an anti-inflammatory med) became my new friend yesterday as well as the reason for the title of this blog.  One of the side effects of this medicine is that can make you feel wired.  Well, just in case you don't know, I am already one wired up, energetic girl.  Soooo the combo of the two is recipe for disaster.  By bedtime, and after my 3rd "prescribed" dose I could have conquered the world.  I got many things done yesterday, laundry caught up (with the help of my mini me), a clean dog, everyone fed, kitchen cleaned, clothes laid out for tomorrow, ball practice bags and clothes x 2 arranged, a couple of chapters in Numbers and prayer time with my love.  All within 2 hours.  Bedtime came, another tid bit for ya...baby Barbee's are down at 8 on school nights and we bed down at 9.  Yep...9...we are old- go ahead and say it!  All that to tell you that upon me getting in the bed, as opposed to my usual falling in bed from being so tired, II could tell I wasn't going to fall asleep easily.  So WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING...

...I began to hear the usual... snoring, 5-10 minutes tops from hitting his pillow, I snuggle close, lay a hand on him and thank God for my help mate who makes me very proud. 

...I strategize how I will break my marathon into sections, when I will stop and hydrate, how many sports beans I will pop at a time, and most of all I think of me getting emotional when/if I cross the finish line.  No joke I see pics of people crossing the finish lines of races past and I tear up.

...I think of my sweet sister/friend, Bonnie, who was diligently training with me and fell on one of our long runs (almost the end may I add) and broke her foot.  Out, just that quick! She is a trooper, yes she is frustrated but she took it far better than I would have.  I will be running it with her next year, Lord willing!
...I think of how fun this marathon weekend will be to spend with dear friends who know us, really know us and love us all the same.

...I think of the kids ball season starting and the "busy"ness of it all, yet loving every minute of it..it all begins tomorrow (well today, its 4 am by the way)

...I see how God has answered/is answering prayer relating to a couples ministry that Jason and I started praying over a while ago...so excited about this!

..my mind drifts to some patients I have coming in for follow up today and realizing in the last couple of weeks, I truly have seen some sick kids- not just the usual "colds"

I look at the clock and it says 1230 and think to myself I am not going to be any good tomorrow if I don't roll over and get some sleep.  Three hours of my mind racing was enough! The next time I look at the clock it says 358....three and a half hours later.  Let me tell ya- it has been a looooong while since I got so little sleep. So, into my closet I go, kick back in my "papa john chair", as my youngest calls it, and this blog is born.  I leave you with this...Prednisone is a good med and works well but likened to speed  in a presciption bottle...and I did all of this ...WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING:)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dear Addi Sue

Dear Addi Sue,

The time is drawing close for your arrival....your special arrival!  Two doors down from my house, you will come into this world, if all goes as planned.  Yes, in your own  house, not a hospital...how fun!  Your mommy and daddy are very excited about meeting you and showing you off to the world.  I can't imagine what you will look like.  Hmmm? Red, curly hair, fair skinned...maybe even a cow- lick or two  or dark hair and olive skin?  You have lots of brothers and sisters already that are anxiously awaiting you for, too.  I look forward to our many swims in the pool and summer time weekends, especially Sunday nights- we have lots of fun, your family and mine.  I know I will blink and in no time at all you will be running around with all of the other kids in the neighborhood. 

There's one thing I ask of you, Addi Sue, if you can, could you please arrive before Sunday?  I would hate to miss your coming, as I will be on a cruise ship with Mr. Jason- oh, he's my hubby, a silly man- he will give your tons of laughs and fun times...guaranteed! 

Alright, I'm gonna hold ya to it....I can't wait to meet you!

"Miss Leah"

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Greatest of These

Of all God's commands, the greatest is love.  Sunday was  a day packed full of love!  Worship time is always dear to me, but yesterday I was overwhelmed because I actually felt how much God loves me.  I read it in His word frequently and talk about His love for me often with others.  But while singing this chorus..." Lord, I'm amazed by you...how you love me"  it  goes on to say..." How deep, how wide, how great is your love for me".  Something was different this time.  It was as if God was whispering (or yelling rather) Leah, it doesn't matter what your past is, there is nothing you can do that will separate you from my love.  I sent my only son to die for all that you have and will do.  And because I love you so much, I have blessed you with a wonderful church family who loves you and cares for you and your family dearly.  I have blessed you with a tight knit family that has strong bonds of love.  I have blessed you with a husband with a new heart that is bent towards me...remember when I said...just trust in me and I will show you the way- well, this is it, baby girl!  I have given you two bundles of joy that remind you of me when you see them smile and hear them belly laugh.    I have given you friends that love me and that provide you with fellowship and fun to enjoy life with! I love you so much that I have let you witness the miracles of expecting mothers who never thought they would be mothers. God loved on me and my cup was and still is running over, even as I type my tears are many.  I hope you know and have experienced the love of Christ!  I challenge you to go and love others as He loves you!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Let your goodness become godliness!

I have always considered myself a good person.  Don't misunderstand me, I have done my share of bad things- but overall, I am a good person.  Until recent years, I thought that was all that was required of me.  The more I have come to know and love my Savior, I have realized that goodness is not good enough.  No matter what!  It doesn't matter how "good" you are to people and how many "good" things you do...it matters none in the eyes of God.  Yes, to this world, one can easily take on the characteristics of being a good and sometimes even great person.  Webster defines godliness as conforming to the laws and wishes of God; devout; coming from God.  The confusion begins when you really get to know good people and realize that there is not many godly characteristics about them.  So yes, in the eyes of this world...they are great and to themselves they are great. I am thankful that I now know the difference.  I pray for God to break my heart for what breaks His and I find myself thinking of these people often.  In fact, last night God awakened me and my heart was heavy for people in situations such as this.  Oh how I wish I could help others experience the love of God!  If people could experience this... truly experience this- their desire would be to know God and take on His characteristics...therefore, become a godly person. I have to put a sock in my mouth as I witness selfish motives from good people.  Perhaps, my heart was heavy for my reactions towards these people.  Perhaps, I need help loving these people.  Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps!  Perhaps, I was then kissed on the cheek as I rolled over...and perhaps, he doesn't even know I noticed.  Well, I did!  Contentment!

1 Timothy 6:6
Godliness with contentment is great gain!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


115 Parker Street is booming with business tonight!  I wish you guys could be with me right now...it is pure madness at my house!  I am laughing on the inside and loving every moment.

 My handsome is attempting to fix his "Lob-ster" tennis ball machine.  It is blowing...and blowing loudly; popping...and popping even louder...there are tennis balls being propelled from in the air... hitting the wall (he's coaching tennis by the way)
The Burns kids are here.  Britton and Gracie are going back and forth from playing Headbanz and Connect Four to running and screaming around the house giving Holly lots of exercise. 
Pizza is in the oven and making me very hungry as the aroma fills the air, I am tempted to eat before my run but afraid I will regret it.
The preceding events are all taking place in one room...the one I am in ;)
Oh yeah, Jordan is practicing one of her latest piano pieces...called Pterodactyls (a flying dinosaur-so I have learned)...it is loud, monotonous...and very "bassy" (is that a word?) at that. She is doing great, might I add.
I looked out in the field earlier and  saw Laura Kate, Allie, and Jordan running circles in the field...I then saw them stretching like Bonnie and I do.  Ha! Monkey see -Monkey do!  I realize how crazy it is how much they have grown.  It seems like it was just yesterday the three of them were toddlers. 

Bonnie has arrived and notifies me it is time for our run!  As Jason has given up on the lob machine, I leave him with the clan, he wishes me a good run. It's a good night:)

I love my crazy life!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Blessed Day!

The buzz of my alarm awakened me early this morning.  I got up and dressed for my exciting challenge.  Awaiting Bonnie's  headlights to come through the field, I began to feel the butterflies.  Was I ready? Would I really finish my first half marathon today? What in the world should I eat for breakfast? How will I survive without my coffee until after the race...hours later?   It seems like it was just yesterday when I asked Bonnie to train for the marathon with me.  I knew Stephanie was a shoe in...she's a pro now! Well, we all have been training and Bonnie and I set out for our first half marathon today!  We succeeded and it was an awesome feeling!  My only negative thought the whole time was ...I can't imagine doing double this distance in March.  Whew!  This was only the beginning of my blessed day!  Afterwards, our first stop was Krispy Creme:) These were of course for "the kids" but we both knew that we would sneak some after we ate/devoured lunch! We then had a sweet visit with a special family at the Coliseum Hospital...(one of the matriarchs of our church) God is good!  She looked amazing!  We then headed home and I had the best hot shower and nap I have ever had in my entire existence.  Finished the night off with supper at The Brick...just the four of us :)  I am now tucked away in my closet again, eyelids very heavy.  About to call it a night and I am truly blessed and thankful God gives me the ability to run, an amazing family to share my life with, an awesome church family, wonderful friends that help keep me sane, and last but certainly not least...a bed that I am soooo about to crawl in!  Blessed indeed! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Winding Down

The year 2012 brought with it lots of challenges for me.  My work relocated to a brand spankin' new, huge, modern, cool,  and any other adjective you can think of...facility (without furry visitors with long tails might I add).  I am super excited!  But reality set in upon my return after the holidays- along with a new facility came lots of other changes.  Everything changed  and I finally had to surrender to the fight of not wanting to learn the ropes of the new layout and routine.   I am not one who works well in chaos, at least I need  organized chaos....a plan.  This aspect makes me realize why I never wanted to be an ER nurse.  I don't react well on the fly and  I have to be settled and know what is to come so I can be prepared as much as possible.  The whole idea of being prepared for the masses of students this semester is relative.  The plan we put into place may not work. My coworkers have probably gotten many laughs  because I tend to get panicky when trying to figure out different scenarios of how it will be.  But that is just it- nobody knows how it will be until it comes to be!  ((((Insert loud scream))))  Hopefully, I won't be written off as a psychiatric case and they will be patient with my neurotic self!  So needless to say, I have had a couple of frustrating days at work.  It will be great as usual once all of the kinks are worked out and everyone simmers down.

To top off my day...I tried a new pinterest dessert after supper and it was a flop!  So I am now tucked away in my closet, my latest and greatest sanctuary I  created for my quiet time.  Kicked back in my papasan chair, as far away as possible from everyone else, I sip my coffee and eat my ice cream.  I hear the quiet roar of my space heater and I slowly wind down from this crazy day! I better crawl back out- its bath time for the kids.  Until next time...

Monday, January 2, 2012

365 Days & Counting

New Years always brings me to a time of reflection and as I have done so...2011 was the best year ever! I realized on December 31st at about 1130pm that I had experienced a peace in my marriage for 365 days.  If you have read my previous posts or know me well enough, you are aware that what Satan intended for bad- God intended for good! 

These things I took away from 2011:

I learned to let go of doubt and live in the fullness of God's promises.

I openly and freely worship my Savior through song...and love doing it!

I have read the Bible and prayed with my husband...almost every night.

I witnessed the love of my life being baptized and now he can't talk about the things God has done for him without holding back tears. 

Jordan was saved and baptized.... on the same day her father was!  What a sweet day!

I have watched Jordan grow up and she has a sweet, quiet (usually...unless her brother is around) spirit! I am very proud to call her my daughter.

Britton has grown into the most loving young lad... he gives me frequent hugs and lovin' and tells me he loves me ....randomly- I love it!  I am glad he takes after the Barbee's with his affection! 

God has proved himself so faithful to me!

Parker Street has been repopulated 10 fold!  I have gained some awesome new friends and neighbors!

I realized I worry way too much of what others think of me!  This is the most ridiculous problem I have...If I tried to please God as much as I did others...everything would be more than alright!

I have strengthened some friendships due to God being the common denominator! I have also learned to let go of other friendships that were obstacles to me growing in the Lord.

I learned I can't change people and make them choose a Godly lifestyle.

God has blessed me indeed! I have learned so much in 2011- I can't wait to see what God has for me in 2012!  It's back to the real world tomorrow!  I pray that each of you have a Happy New Year and make this year be your best year ever!